Moravská gobelínová manufaktura

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Welcome to the web pages of our centre for weaving craft, art and textile design.

Moravská gobelínová manufaktura (MGM) (Moravian Tapestry Manufacture) has worked in the area of hand-made weaving of classical Tapestries, original rugs and artistic tapestries for more than one hundred years. We also have a fifty-year tradition in specialised restoration and cleaning of historical textiles.

These pages present only a small amount of our work. If interested, we will be happy to meet with you, ideally in the creative environment of the manufactory where unique rugs and tapestries, knot by knot, woof by woof, come into being.

Contact Info

Moravská gobelínová manufaktura, spol. s r.o.
Husova 364/4, 757 01 Valašské Meziříčí
tel./fax +420 571 612 641, +420 571 612 338
mobil +420 602 280 509

Our position on a map

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